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Selectmen's Minutes 09/23/08
The weekly Board of Selectmen meeting was held on Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.

Present:              Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk; Theresa McNulty

                       George Samia, Town Administrator

                       Catherine Johnson

Not Present:            David L. Walsh, Chairman

Mr. Hamilton noted that Mr. Walsh would not be present this evening and as previously voted, he would assume position of Chairman and Mrs. McNulty the position of Clerk for the evening.

Chief John Cowan offered condolences to the Hirtle family regarding the incident that occurred today.

Chief Cowan thanked the departments in Town, which included the Fire Department, the School Department and the D.P.W. as well as the outside agencies that played a part, including surrounding towns, the Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department, the Satucket Regional Tactical Team, the SEMLAC team, who sent officers to help with the situation, as well as the perimeter.  Chief Cowan further thanked the citizens.

Chief Cowan explained the situation and commended the Police Officers on the scene.

Mr. Hamilton thanked Chief Cowan and his department for minimizing and containing the situation.

Mr. Hamilton offered the Board’s condolences to the Hirtle family.

Ms. McNulty thanked the Police Department, the Fire Department, the D.P.W., as well as all outside agencies who assisted in the incident.


FY10 Budget Discussion

Mr. Hamilton read the following statement by David Walsh to the Department Heads:

Once again the town faces another difficult year.  We were

forewarned by our legislatures last year that this year would

be tough, they even recommended even saving some of our

cherry sheet money for this year.  I am sure you are all aware

of the difficult financial times we are each individually facing,

the Town and the Commonwealth are no different.   Thanks to

the diligence of the financial team in town I believe we can get



Board of Selectmen                                  -2-                                            September 23, 2008

through this time.
Due to the difficult times we anticipate we are presenting tonight

to all of you so that you can start thinking about how to best handle

the task before you. I believe we will all need as much time as possible.
We are asking all departments to submit a LEVEL FUNDED BUDGET

that is as fiscally sound as possible.  Be realistic in expenses and do not

under fund them, with the anticipation of coming back at a special town

meeting and funding them.   
Please put any qualifying comments next to the appropriate ledger

account and at the end  list your impacts and priorities.  If there is

funding available the financial team, particularly the Finance Committee,

will recommend the allocation of the funding so as to keep the Town

functioning at it highest level of capacity.   
Please show the sheet


Ms. McNulty stated that Mr. Samia has done a great job and will be able to set a course that’s least detrimental to the Town.

Mrs. Pooler, Director of Assessing explained that new growth had steadily gone down and that building permits have been dismal.


Mr. Stanbrook, Town Accountant, explained that Free Cash will be substantially lower than the year before, maybe 2/3 less than last year.


Mr. Hamilton stated that he liked the approach of the Finance Committee, looking three or four years out, to better plan.

Mr. Hamilton further stated that the Town would do the best it can to stay afloat.

Mr. Hamilton, on behalf of the Board of Selectmen and the Financial Team, thanked the Department Heads for attending.

Action Items

M/mcNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the September 16, 2008 meeting.

M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, approve the request of Marilyn J. Thompson, Treasurer/Collector to appoint Catherine Chermesino as her Assistant Collector/Treasurer

Board of Selectmen                                  -3-                                            September 23, 2008

per Mass. General Law Chapter 41, Sections 39A and 39C effective immediately, to run concurrent with her term of office.

M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, approve the request of Peter P. Spagone of the Skylur Spagone Memorial Fund for use of the Town Common on 10/13/08 from 7:00 a.m. to 12 noon, for the annual walk to raise money for the Skylur Memorial Fund.


Town Administrator Report

Town Hall building assessment sheets have been mailed out.  



Committee Vacancies:

Conservation Commission             Council on Aging            Finance Committee                    

Board of Health                          Housing Authority

letters of interest to the Selectmen’s office.

Open Forum

No one present

M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 8:10 p.m.






Board of Selectmen